"Lost Planet: Extreme Condition," released in 2006, is a third-person action shooter set on the frozen, hostile planet of E.D.N. III. Developed by Capcom, the game immerses players in a futuristic world where humanity struggles to survive against both the harsh environment and dangerous alien creatures known as Akrid. Players take on the role of Wayne Holden, a soldier who suffers from memory loss, as he seeks revenge for his father’s death while uncovering the mysteries of the planet. The game's icy setting and intense battles provide a unique, visually striking experience.
One of the standout features of "Lost Planet: Extreme Condition" is its thermal energy system, which adds a layer of strategy to the gameplay. Players must constantly collect thermal energy from defeated enemies and environmental sources to survive the cold. This mechanic forces players to stay aggressive and engage in combat, as running out of thermal energy leads to death. The game also offers a variety of weapons, from machine guns to rocket launchers, as well as the use of Vital Suits—large mechanized exoskeletons that add an extra element of power and mobility in battles against both human enemies and towering Akrid bosses.
The game’s environments, ranging from frozen wastelands to abandoned military bases, are beautifully designed and contribute to the sense of isolation and danger on E.D.N. III. Coupled with the fast-paced, dynamic combat, "Lost Planet: Extreme Condition" delivers a memorable experience full of high-stakes action. The mix of story-driven missions and epic boss battles, along with its distinctive cold-weather survival mechanics, makes "Lost Planet" stand out as a unique and challenging entry in the action shooter genre.