"Gun" is an action-adventure game set in the American Old West, released in 2005. Developed by Neversoft, the game follows the story of Colton White, a gunslinger seeking revenge after his father is murdered. The open-world design allows players to explore a vast, untamed frontier, complete with deserts, mountains, and bustling towns. With its immersive setting and rich atmosphere, "Gun" captures the lawlessness and ruggedness of the Wild West, delivering a cinematic and gritty experience.
The gameplay in "Gun" combines fast-paced shooting mechanics with horseback riding, hunting, and a variety of missions that range from bounty hunting to protecting stagecoaches. Players have access to an arsenal of period-specific weapons, including rifles, pistols, and bows, allowing for diverse combat encounters. The game’s free-aiming system and ability to slow down time with "Quickdraw" mode offer satisfying gunfights, giving players the feeling of being a skilled gunslinger. "Gun" also incorporates RPG elements, allowing players to upgrade their weapons and abilities as they progress.
Alongside its action-packed gameplay, "Gun" features a compelling storyline filled with memorable characters, voiced by a talented cast including Thomas Jane and Kris Kristofferson. The narrative touches on themes of revenge, betrayal, and survival in the harsh West, creating an engaging experience that goes beyond typical action games. With its expansive open world, diverse missions, and gripping story, "Gun" stands as one of the more ambitious Western-themed games of its time, offering players an authentic and thrilling taste of frontier life.